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The following is information I obtained on one of the many Dahn lawsuits. And in case you are interested, the "trade secret" documents, were never made part of the record. They couldn't prove the defendant hacked their system and had to pay certain costs, and they ended up paying attorneys fees to them, after they lost.
A Dahn World Co Lawsuit
Case 8:06-cv-02170-RWT
United States District Court, District of Maryland
In August of 2006, Dahn World Co. LTD, a Korean Corporation, filed a complaint against Eun Hee Chung of Maryland, claiming she was Zhibin Zhong@newdahn.com. The Plaintiff claimed that Dahn World provided a secure internet computer service for their Dahn Centers worldwide, and that the defendant had improperly obtained access to this system, obtaining their trade secret documents and posting them on the net, also committing copyright infringment. Eun Hee Chung, in her answer denied she had even accessed this computer system.
According to her motion for Summary Judgment, Chung said that she had been involved with Dahn World when she was in high school in Korea, and had then moved to Maryland, and had been involved in other Dahn activities until approximately 1999. Previously in 2005 Dahn had sued her in Arizona court where their case was dismissed for lack of personal jurisdiction in June of 2006.Chung had been sued because an anti-Dahn website had its web hosting fees charged to her credit card, charges which she disputed within a week or so of their charging.
Based on Dahn’s non-answers to 19 of the 30 requests for admissions, the defendant’s lawyers moved for summary judement, claiming that the plaintiff had failed to allege facts that would give rise to the elements necessary to establish an action under the Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, copyright act infringement under the DMCA, breach of a non-disclosure policy, tortious interference with business relations, and violation of Maryland’s Uniform Trade Secret Act claim.
In its Motion in reply, Dahn claimed that not only did they have credit card information linking Chung to the newdahn.com site but their private investigator had recovered notes from her garbage indicating that she was looking to host this website on Pegasus Web Technologies in Turkey. (The defendant replied her notes were being misconstrued.) The Plaintiff then claimed that Chung had been hospitalized after visiting their Sedona Arizona center in 1999 and was therefore seeking revenge. Based on her August, 2007 deposition. (See page 258-9) it appeared that the defendant was at least helping other people who were running the New Dahn website. In their reply brief, the defendant pointed out that there was no evidence that she administered the New Dahn Site, or had broken into JJAN without authorization. The Defendant claimed the handwritten notes were produced after she was sued in Arizona, when she was investigating the suit against her.
The court granted summary judgment for the defendant on June 26, 2008 through a one page order, and the Defendant then moved to collect her attorney’s fees under the DMCA and the Maryland Uniform Trade Secrets Act. Up to that point she had spent $52,000 of her own money defending the action. The court would eventually award her $68,000 in attorneys fees. Dahn World’s attorneys withdrew from the case, and the defendant’s attorneys proceeded to try to serve post judgment interrogatories on Dahn World, so they could collect their judgment. After further efforts to obtain information from the corporate entity known as Dahn World, the original plaintiff finally paid the attorney’s fees and the defendant filed a Notice of Satisfaction on 7-22-2009
2006년 8월 메릴랜드 지방법원에서 진행 되었던 한국의 단월드가 메릴랜드주에 사는 정은희 씨를 고소한 정황 입니다. 한참 뉴단이 활성화 될때였죠. 정씨가 짠 싸이트를 해킹해서 영업기밀을 공개해서 저작권을 위반했다는 고소였고 정씨는 고소내용을 부정했습니다. 단월드측에서 뉴단 싸이트 관련 정씨의 크레딧 카드 증거를 제시하였고, 단월드측 사설탐정이 정씨의 쓰레기를 뒤진결과 뉴단관련 자료를 입수 했다고 주장 했습니다. 아울러 단월드측은 정씨가 1999년에 세도나에 갔다가 갑자기 아파서 병원신세를 진 이후 보복을 할 생각을 했다고 주장 했습니다.
법원은 2008년 정씨측 승소를 판결 헀고, 정씨측은 이 케이스를 변호 하느라 변호비용 미화 $52,000불을 지출 했습니다. 법원은 단월드에게 $68,000불을 배상할것을 명령헀습니다. 단월드 변호사는 사임했고 (단월드 측에서 돈을 안주려는 계산이었죠) 정씨측에서는 다양한 방법으로 단월드와 접촉해서 2009년 7월 22일 배상금을 받아 냈습니다.
The following is information I obtained on one of the many Dahn lawsuits. And in case you are interested, the "trade secret" documents, were never made part of the record. They couldn't prove the defendant hacked their system and had to pay certain costs, and they ended up paying attorneys fees to them, after they lost.
A Dahn World Co Lawsuit
Case 8:06-cv-02170-RWT
United States District Court, District of Maryland
In August of 2006, Dahn World Co. LTD, a Korean Corporation, filed a complaint against Eun Hee Chung of Maryland, claiming she was Zhibin Zhong@newdahn.com. The Plaintiff claimed that Dahn World provided a secure internet computer service for their Dahn Centers worldwide, and that the defendant had improperly obtained access to this system, obtaining their trade secret documents and posting them on the net, also committing copyright infringment. Eun Hee Chung, in her answer denied she had even accessed this computer system.
According to her motion for Summary Judgment, Chung said that she had been involved with Dahn World when she was in high school in Korea, and had then moved to Maryland, and had been involved in other Dahn activities until approximately 1999. Previously in 2005 Dahn had sued her in Arizona court where their case was dismissed for lack of personal jurisdiction in June of 2006.Chung had been sued because an anti-Dahn website had its web hosting fees charged to her credit card, charges which she disputed within a week or so of their charging.
Based on Dahn’s non-answers to 19 of the 30 requests for admissions, the defendant’s lawyers moved for summary judement, claiming that the plaintiff had failed to allege facts that would give rise to the elements necessary to establish an action under the Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, copyright act infringement under the DMCA, breach of a non-disclosure policy, tortious interference with business relations, and violation of Maryland’s Uniform Trade Secret Act claim.
In its Motion in reply, Dahn claimed that not only did they have credit card information linking Chung to the newdahn.com site but their private investigator had recovered notes from her garbage indicating that she was looking to host this website on Pegasus Web Technologies in Turkey. (The defendant replied her notes were being misconstrued.) The Plaintiff then claimed that Chung had been hospitalized after visiting their Sedona Arizona center in 1999 and was therefore seeking revenge. Based on her August, 2007 deposition. (See page 258-9) it appeared that the defendant was at least helping other people who were running the New Dahn website. In their reply brief, the defendant pointed out that there was no evidence that she administered the New Dahn Site, or had broken into JJAN without authorization. The Defendant claimed the handwritten notes were produced after she was sued in Arizona, when she was investigating the suit against her.
The court granted summary judgment for the defendant on June 26, 2008 through a one page order, and the Defendant then moved to collect her attorney’s fees under the DMCA and the Maryland Uniform Trade Secrets Act. Up to that point she had spent $52,000 of her own money defending the action. The court would eventually award her $68,000 in attorneys fees. Dahn World’s attorneys withdrew from the case, and the defendant’s attorneys proceeded to try to serve post judgment interrogatories on Dahn World, so they could collect their judgment. After further efforts to obtain information from the corporate entity known as Dahn World, the original plaintiff finally paid the attorney’s fees and the defendant filed a Notice of Satisfaction on 7-22-2009
2006년 8월 메릴랜드 지방법원에서 진행 되었던 한국의 단월드가 메릴랜드주에 사는 정은희 씨를 고소한 정황 입니다. 한참 뉴단이 활성화 될때였죠. 정씨가 짠 싸이트를 해킹해서 영업기밀을 공개해서 저작권을 위반했다는 고소였고 정씨는 고소내용을 부정했습니다. 단월드측에서 뉴단 싸이트 관련 정씨의 크레딧 카드 증거를 제시하였고, 단월드측 사설탐정이 정씨의 쓰레기를 뒤진결과 뉴단관련 자료를 입수 했다고 주장 했습니다. 아울러 단월드측은 정씨가 1999년에 세도나에 갔다가 갑자기 아파서 병원신세를 진 이후 보복을 할 생각을 했다고 주장 했습니다.
법원은 2008년 정씨측 승소를 판결 헀고, 정씨측은 이 케이스를 변호 하느라 변호비용 미화 $52,000불을 지출 했습니다. 법원은 단월드에게 $68,000불을 배상할것을 명령헀습니다. 단월드 변호사는 사임했고 (단월드 측에서 돈을 안주려는 계산이었죠) 정씨측에서는 다양한 방법으로 단월드와 접촉해서 2009년 7월 22일 배상금을 받아 냈습니다.
2017.01.11 01:26:55
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사회에 나오면 기껏 신용카드나 정수기 렌탈 영업정도할 정도 밖에 안될정도로
지력과 능력이 딸리는 빠순이들임..
모르면서 열심히 하는 자들이 가장 골 때리고 돈월드엔 전부 그런 자들만 남아있지...
2017.01.17 05:48:56
세뇌풀렸어도 나이많아서 새로 취업할 엄두를 못내서 못나오는 사람 많지요 40.50대가 젤 많은거같아요
그만큼 오래있을수록 밖에 적응하기가 어렵다는 얘기...
2017.12.27 00:56:16
뉴단 저도 이곳에서 빠져나올때 뉴단이 정말 큰 힘이 되었습니다.
크게 교통사고가 나고 마음이 흔들릴때 뉴단을 보고,
이곳을 나와야겠다고 마음을 굳혔습니다. 그게 벌써 6년 전이네요...
안에서 6년 나와서 6년
제 삶은 완전히 망가졌습니다.
잘 나가는 공대생이었다가 사회부적응자로
제 나이 26살 앞길이 창창하던 대기업 공사 어디든 갈수 있는
명문대 공대생이었는데 그 안에서 6년
나와서 사기 당하고 떠돌다 또 6년이 지나
이제는 30대 후반인데 집도 차도 결혼도
친구들도 인간관계도 모조로 부서진 몸마저도 성치않은 ㅠㅠ
너무 괴롭고 속상하고 후회되고 자살충동만 듭니다...
아...시간을 돌릴수만 있다면 순진한 대학생 시절로 돌아가고 싶습니다.
짠 해킹? 짠 다 털렸단 말인가 헐
뉴단은 2011년까지 열린것 같았어요 많이 감사했습니다